I'll have to throw this carrot in the trash now“, he said and tossed it into the corner of the room.

It was one of our cooking nights as a group of friends. Our friend had brought ice, not knowing there was no freezer, and had put it in the fridge. The ice had melted and had made the carrots in the fridge wet.

Why don't you have a freezer?“

A fight broke out, the friend who had brought the ice left the apartment with a door slam.

It reminded us of an incident, we were barbecuing by the river, our friend rearranged a backpack, there was a glass bottle inside, it broke.

Why do you have a glass bottle in your backpack, obviously it might break?“

I met up with him afterwards, he said, with most people you can tell what kind of person they are, what kind of role they played in school, and our friend is, and always has been, an idiot. He's the idiot.

I told him on another occasion, our friend now has a girlfriend, we met her and she seeemed nice. He told me, he thinks our friend harasses women until they give in. They stopped being friends.


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