I'm spending New Year's Eve with my friend Sandy and her boyfriend Philip. We'll go to a mexican restaurant. They also invited a guy from my home town who I don't know very well.
We meet up at Philip's home. Philip's parents sit at their kitchen table, which is placed directly at the wall with two chairs. They sit on the chairs with their backs to the wall. They smoke. Philip's father slams the kitchen door shut. He says he hates it when it is left open. Philips says to his sister that she is a fat cow. We walk up to Philips room. Beer bottles with cigarette butts in them are scattered over his room, on the floor, on a shelf, on his night stand.
At the mexican restaurant the soup is too spicy, too hot. I can't eat it. Philip says he doesn't like tequila, so I drink his. He sticks his hand into his crotch and laughs. The guy from my home town says almost nothing the whole evening and I do the same.


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