One time, when my sister was coming home to visit when she was in university, while I was still living at home, I was standing in my sister's room and took a look at her to-do-list, which was usually lying on her desk. Next to tasks like tidying up and reading, in blue pen on a white piece of paper, I could read the word "horror". I cracked a smile and asked my sister what kind of horror she still had to get done today. She didn't want to answer at first.
Finally, she admitted: "I had the thought that I was horrified about my last boyfriend and that I should do some thinking because of that. I was horrified that I wanted a boyfriend so badly, that because I want to have kids so badly, I stayed with him."
"What was so horrifying about him?"
"For example, that he didn't wash his hands after he'd been to the bathroom."
When my sister was done with a task on her list, she would strike it out with a pen so many times that you couldn't read what was written there before, and there was just a big blue patch of pen ink left on the piece of paper.


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