A living thing has died because of me. On a warm day during my childhood, my friend asked me if I wanted to go help the frogs. My hometown is surrounded by fields. Toads were migrating. We walked down the paths near the fields. There were tiny toads everywhere. We picked them up and set them down again. I picked up one of the toads and set it down on the middle of a manhole cover, which had holes all around its edges. The toad sat there for a moment and with one clear jump it hopped into one of the holes. „Why did you do that?“ My friend looked at me with a disturbed look. I answered: „I just wanted to see if the frog would manage not to jump into the hole“. When I had the sudden idea to play russian roulette with a toad I didn't intend to do harm. The tiny toad had to die in the dark.


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